úterý 12. srpna 2014


Když se člověk ocitne v hospici, v nitru tuší, že už mu mnoho času nezbývá. 9 pokojů obklopujících zahradu v těžkých chvílích nabízí klid, setkání i oporu a důstojnost, bezpečí.

V rámci ateliérového konceptu město umění bylo s daným tématem nakládáno jako s prvkem, který má schopnost ulehčit těžkou životní situaci. Umění je forma terapie.

Lidem, kteří si přejí zůstat ve svém opravdovém domově do posledních chvil, pomáhá mobilní asistence. Lidé, kteří doma zůstat nemohou, se hospic snaží pomoci.

Hospic poskytuje zázemí pro 9 osob v pokojích s lůžkem s atelierem a hostinským pokojíkem, který slouží pro rodinu. Příbuzní si mohou v odděleném pokoji odpočinout. Společné prostory kuchyně, jídelny a obývacího pokoje jsou využívány k odpočinku či rodinné oslavě. Součástí hospice je kaple.

Hospic se nachází v opuštěném a zpustlém bastionu sv. Benedikta.  Ze západní strany je dům skryt a vestavěn do hradeb. Směrem k východu dům využívá pozvolného klesání terénu a hradeb a postupně se vynořuje hmotou nad úroveň opevnění a navazuje na ulici Jelení.  Hmota domu obklopuje divokou zahradu, v níž jsou umístěny sochy. Materiál domu je cihla. Vytváří jednotu s hradbami a dodává domu uchopitelné měřítko.

Smrt je přirozená součást života. Dnes 60% lidí umírá na akutních odděleních nemocnic. Chybí možnost rozloučení se s blízkými, vyrovnání se. Hospic nabízí cestu.


When a person find himself in hospice, he knows that there is not much time left. 9 rooms around the garden offers support, peace, dignity and safety in difficult moments. 

Project was designed within a topic of the city of arts.  The main ides was to use art as a form of therapy. 

The building consists of three main parts. In the first part, there is space used by mobile assistance which serves to people who wish to stay in their thue home. Second part consists of 9 units. Each unit is composed of  room, artists studio and guest room for relatives and friends.  The third and the last part is represented by collective spaces of the kitchen, dining and living room, chapel and garden. 

Hospice is located in the abandoned and derelict bastion St. Benedict. From the west side of bastion the house is hidden behind the walls. Towards the east side the building uses a gradual descent of the walls and the building emerges above the fortification. The house is surrounded by a wild garden with statues. Material of the house is brick.

Death is natural part of life. Today, 60% of people die in acute hospital departments. Hospice offers a different way ..

úterý 4. března 2014

in progress III

in prague there is not such as instritution supporting elderly artists yet

though there was an ideain the past

abroad we can find many expamples that this institution is necessary



canada, ontario

čtvrtek 27. února 2014

in progress II

For the next step I choose the topic of senior eldery housing for artists with public galery to show the artwork which was created in the institution. When I made this decision I started to look for the suitable place. 

For the location I found an empty spot in Malá Strana at Klárov. What I appriciate about the area is a combination between very busy public space which can be connected with public part of the institution and very calm spaces of the river bank. Other positive effect of the site is that the volume creates private courtyard. 

Another reason for the site is to bring ordinary peoples lives back to the area which starts to be empty scene for turists.

Moreover Malá Strana is strongly conneced with famous artists from Czech history and many instutions are present in the quarter and also across the river.

For the next step I will search if there are similar institutions around the world and I will also have a look if I can find a place more suitable for an institution like senior eldery home for artists.

pátek 21. února 2014

in progress I - searching


a house for ceramics artist – process of searching for material, process of designing, producing ceramics

Edmund de Wall 
source: http://www.edmunddewaal.com/

house for cemetery sculptor

grave Jan Zahradníček: Jan Sokol
source: http://mujweb.cz/verkou/Sterbliche

a house for hermit – meditation in the middle of civilisation

hermit Onufrius, Kuks: Matyáš Bernard Braun
source: http://credo-exhibition.blogspot.cz/

music/painting therapy centre for people with mental diseases, opened also for public

student work Stephan Rust

rehearsing centre for children with poor family cultural support

reference from Z. Kučerová, Carrilho de Graca: music school
source : designyoutrust.com

senior centre for elderly artists

 Aires Matheus e associados: Eldery home Alcácer do Sol
source: http://www.arcspace.com/features/aires-mateus-e-associados

creative kindergarten – preschool education with assistance of artists

Tezuka: Fuji kindergarden
source: http://greenz.jp/2011/08/12/treehouse_kindergarden/


net of art supporting institutions and buildings communicating simultaneously together
... visually, mentally


former industrial areas ... Bubny, Žižkov train station, Kolbenova ...probably too huge

city centre support of existing institution
site on Národní třída – connection with theartes
Palachovo náměstí – connection with Rudolfínum, všup, umprum
Na Perštýně
small site in Žižkov quarter
cemetery Olšany



This blog is going to show design process in design studio Hájek Hulín on Czech Technical University, Faculty of architecture in Prague during summer term 2014. The task is to propose parrallel city of art in Prague in which each student is going to contribute by his or her proposal to complete general idea.  

? who is ARTIST nowadays

An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts, and/or demonstrating an art.

A person who creates art.
A person who creates art as an occupation.
A person who is skilled at some activity

oxford english dictionary 
A learned person or Master of Arts
One who pursues a practical science, traditionally medicineastrologyalchemychemistry
A follower of a pursuit in which skill comes by study or practice
A follower of a manual art, such as a mechanic
One who makes their craft a fine art
One who cultivates one of the fine arts – traditionally the arts presided over by the muses

creative person (a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination)

ART is ...
drawing – cartoon, caricature, calligraphy, typography
sculpture – ceramic, collage, jewellery, mosaic, pupeteer
acting – actor, choreography
architecture - landscape artist, architect, landscape architect, light art
dancing – ballet, dancer
writing – fiction, poet
filmmaking – film writer, actor,
fashion – fashion designer
new media – animation, video art
music – composer, musician,  singer, songwriter, conductor
theatre – playwright